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The Only All-In-One

Dealer Management System
for Marine Dealers

Running a Successful Marine Dealership Can Be Hard

Your Marine DMS Should Be Easy

We will say it…

Marine Dealership Management Software Doesn't Have to Be Complicated

Are you tired of using dated software systems that were built 30 years ago? No one enjoys fighting complicated menu screens just to achieve basic day-to-day operations. If you have you grown frustrated with your existing system that continuously has issues then you understand exactly why we built the DealerRock Marine DMS.

DealerRock is a cloud-based DMS that focuses on simplicity.

Your time and resources are limited. DealerRock Marine DMS provides you with a modern, cloud-based platform that gives you everything you need to manage your dealership quickly and easily. No more separate systems for different functions within the dealership. You have one login, one portal to a centralized platform that helps manage and operate your entire Marine Dealership operation.

Modern Technology
  • Cloud-based
  • Mobile First Design
  • Enterprise Software & Security
  • Responsive Platform
  • Multi-location Ready
Modern Features
  • Mobile Payments
  • Built in SMS Messaging
  • All Digital – No More Paper
  • Invoice Customers + Online Payment
  • Beautiful Scheduling (Coming Soon)
Fully Integrated
  • Inventory 
  • Major Units
  • Customers (CRM)
  • Lead Management
  • Repair Orders
Learn More

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Trusted by Marine Dealers Just Like You

“We looked at every notable system on the market. Nothing out there touches the DealerRock platform. It's extremely easy to use and simplifies our entire operation. We absolutely run a better operation for our customers on DealerRock. We've used it for over 4 years and I cannot imagine having to use anything else to run our dealerships.”

Bill H.Current Watersports

“After trying multiple major brand DMS systems and talking to many others, we are happy to have found DealerRock. It has made our jobs and processes that much easier. If you have an idea of how to make the system even better, DealerRock is one call away. They are always improving.”

Cole W.Wolf Watersports

“Like many others, we had been searching for a DMS with underwhelming results for our dealerships. Then we found DealerRock. This platform is incredibly user friendly and streamlined our operation from day one synching multiple locations. Their team is always reachable and open to ideas for continuous improvement. The future is bright with DealerRock!”

Jay GNew England Water Sports